4 Bedroom
2 Bathroom
Large Kitchen + Pantry
Large Living Rooms
Covered Alfresco Patio
Home Theatre Room
Room Sizes Metric Sizes
Bed 1: 3.5 x 3.6
Bed 2: 3.6 x 2.85
Bed 3: 3.0 x 2.85
Bed 4: 3.0 x 2.91
Media: 3.4 x 4.2
Family: 3.4 x 3.6
Area Sizes Metric Sizes
Living : 157.1 m2
Garage: 40.4 m2
Porch: 3.6 m2
Alfresco: 20.8 m2
Total Area: 221.96 m2
Room Sizes Feet & Inches
Bed 1: 11' 5” x 10' 1”
Bed 2: 9' 3” x 10' 1”
Bed 3: 9' 4” x 10' 1”
Bed 4: 9' 6” x 10' 1”
Media: 11' 5” x 13' 12”
Family: 9' 5” x 10' 6”
House Areas Feet & Inches
Living: 1690 Sq. Feet
Garage: 435 Sq. Feet
Porch: 39 Sq. Feet
Alfresco: 226 Sq. Feet
Total Area: 2390 Sq. Feet
copy of 4 Bedroom House Plan: 221SB-Mark11
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