- 2 x 20 Foot Shipping Containers
- 1 Bedroom
- Bathroom
- Kitchen
- Large Deck
Metric Sizes
Ship Container #1: 14.8 m2
Ship Container #2: 14.8 m2
Deck Area: 8.9 m2
Total Area: 38.5 m2
Feet & Inches
Ship Container #1: 160 Sq. Ft
Ship Container #2: 160 Sq. Ft
Deck: 96 Sq. Ft
Total Area: 416 Sq. Ft
Metric Inclusions:
Floor plan Dimensions in Metric Sizes
Elevation Plans in Metric Sizes
Electrical Plans in Metric Sizes
Imperial Inclusions:
Floor plan Dimensions in feet and Inches
Elevation Plans in feet and Inches
Electrical Plans in feet and Inches
Other Inclusions:
3d Front Render
3d Back Render
3d Left and Right Side Renders
Copyright release for building
Engineer Stamp. (Not Included)
engineer needs soil test on your land as the footings needs to be designed to your land type, some land has expansive soil like red soil or clay others have sandy soil so different footing depts and sizes are required.
BOM or material: (Not Included)
BOM or material list are normally best supplied for free by your supplier.
simply send the plans to quote and they will work out the materials for you
examples :
send plans to a few roof manufacturer will work the material needed and quote the plans for free.
send plans to dry wall or wall lining supplier and they work out the material needed and they will quote for free.
send plans to hardware supplier and they work out the material needed and they will quote for free.
I am a retired builder and always fond send to quote is much better than having a material list.
as suppliers normally save you a lot of money as they will also have a recommended costs saving alternative that they have more stock of at the time !
a god builder normally send the plans for quoting to 3 suppliers or trades per item
"3" roof manufacturer
"3" dry wall or wall lining supplier
I recommend a bid sheet so you can keep track of the quotes or bids !
example here
1 Bedroom Shipping Container Home: 416LH Argus
Full Constructio Set of Plans Includes:
- 3D Front Render
- 3D Front Render Feet & Inches
- Floor Plan fully detailed Feet & Inches
- Elevations Plan fully detailed Feet & Inches
- Electrical Plans Feet & Inches
- Section Plans Feet & Inches
- Foundation Plans Feet & Inches
- 4 Sides - 3D Views Feet & Inches
- 3D Front Render Metric
- Floor Plan fully detailed Metric
- Elevations Plan fully detailed Metric
- Electrical Plans Metric
- Section Plans Metric
- Foundation Plans Metric
- 4 Sides - 3D Views Metric
- Copyright release to buildFor Custom changes/modifications to this plan
For any changes you would like(please tell us the plan number)