Welcome to our stunning 4-bedroom house plan, designed to fulfill your dreams of a luxurious and comfortable home. With a perfect blend of practicality, elegance, and mystery, this thoughtfully crafted residence offers a unique and exciting living experience. Discover the magic of a secret room, home gym, and home cinema that will take your breath away.
Our house plan features a hidden secret room that offers a private space for you to retreat, relax and unwind. Whether you choose to create a hobby space, home office or a private library, this room adds an element of mystery and exclusivity to your home.
4 Bedroom
2 Bathrooms
Large Kitchen
Walk In Pantry
Large Covered PatioLarge back Deck
Home Gym
Secret Room
Family Room
Private Lounge Room
Metric Room Sizes
Bed1: 4.4 x 4.5
Bed2: 3.5 x 3.2
Bed3: 3.5 x 3.2
Bed4: 3.5 x 3.2
Living Room: 6.2 x 7.7
Metric Area Sizes
Living Area: 232.2 m2
Deck Area: 83.3 m2
Total Area: 315.5 m2
Room Sizes Feet & Inches
Bed 1 : 14' 8” x 14 ' 8”
Bed 2 : 11' 5” x 11 ' 3”
Bed 3 : 11' 5” x 11 ' 3”
Bed 4 : 11' 5” x 11 ' 3”
Living Area: 25' 2” x 21 ' 5”
Areas Feet & Inches
Living area : 2500 Sq. Ft
Deck : 898 Sq. Ft
Total Area: 3698 Sq. Ft
232.2 m2 | 2500 Sq Ft | 4 Bed | 2 Bath | 315.5 Meadow View
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